On March 16, 2023, the Management Board of Vinh Long Industrial Parks granted the Investment Registration Certificate to Gilimex Vinh Long Industrial Park Corporation to implement the project of investment in construction and infrastructure of Gilimex Vinh Long Industrial Park phase 1 – 255 ha in Thanh Loi commune, Binh Tan district.
After the Prime Minister approved the investment policy and approved Gilimex Vinh Long Industrial Park Corporation as the investor of the Gilimex Vinh Long Industrial Park Project to implement the project in Tan Quoi town and Thanh Loi commune, Binh Tan district in Decision No. 1050/QD-TTg dated 07 Sep 2022.
The People’s Committee of Vinh Long province has decided to change the name of Binh Tan industrial park to Gilimex Vinh Long industrial park and approved the investment plan of the project into 02 phases (phase 1 is 255 ha in Thanh Loi commune, Binh Tan district; phase 2 is 165 ha located on the remaining area of Thanh Loi commune and Tan Quoi town, Binh Tan district).

Based on it and the proposal of Gilimex Vinh Long Industrial Park Corporation, the Management Board of Vinh Long Industrial Parks has issued an Investment Registration Certificate to the Company to implement the project in phase 1 with a total registered investment capital of VND 2,571.67 billion. The land area of the project is 255 ha which will be divided into 02 sub-phases (Sub-phase 1 with 165 ha: expected to be able to sublease industrial land from the third quarter of 2024, sub-phase 2 with 90 ha: expected to to be able to sublease industrial land from the first quarter of 2027).
This is the 4th industrial park project of Vinh Long province. When the project comes into operation at full capacity, it will contribute directly and indirectly to the provincial budget annually about VND 1,000 billion, create jobs for more than 21 thousand workers, create an industrial land fund for the province in attracting domestic and foreign investment capital to invest.
Source: Government Newspaper